Part II - 09.08.07 Working On The Recycling Issue Downtown
Part III - 09.27.07 Revisting The Recycling Iniative On Main St.
Part IV - 10.22.07 New Recycling Bins Now On Main St.
This is the second installment of an ongoing series about the streetscape in downtown Northampton, MA. In this post, we focus on the recycling barrels on Main St., and find that the three year old city recycling initiative on Main St. has been rendered completely ineffective due to a lack of effective oversight. Cutting to the chase, this is what we found:
- the barrels are broken.
- barrels are being improperly used.
- are not marked as recycling containers.
- the city does not have an agreement with anyone to empty the barrels.
- and when emptied, the contents inside were brought to the landfill, not a recycling center.
The reporters left, the officials at City Hall went back into their offices, and the barrels were left downtown to fend for themselves. As you can imagine, things didn't work out at well as was initially hoped for.

The initiative was started by Claudine Solin, for her graduate project while a student in the School for Social Work at Smith College. With help from the American Friends Service Committee [PDF here] and ten students from the Environmental Politics class at the Florence Learning Center, a program affiliated with Northampton High School, the project was completed. And for as long as we can remember, the recycling bins have operated as trash barrels, and not as recycling containers. Often overflowing, the barrels could not even receive bottles and cans if they wanted to.
Early this week, Northamptonist went to see the Parking Director about this. We expressed our concern that the barrels on Main St. were not being maintained or emptied. He called Duseau Trucking, as at that time, they were under verbal agreement to empty the barrels. After the phone call was made to Duseau, the Parking Director informed us that Duseau was going to empty them. The next day, it was clear they had been emptied. The Director noted that the Solid Waste Coordinator for the city was working with the Pedal People, -a local bicycle powered hauling service- in an attempt come to agreement with them for emptying the recycling barrels, as the Pedal People are already under contract with the city to empty the trash receptacles on Main St.
Our next conversations were with Karen Bouquillon, Solid Waste Coordinator for the City of Northampton. During our conversation, we expressed our concern that the barrels on Main St. are not being used properly, nor being emptied regularly, and requested that someone take responsibility for the disposal and maintenance of them. Karen agreed, stated that she was working on this issue, and filled in some back story for us. Initially, she told us, these barrels were locked and monitored. It is unclear why the barrels are no longer locked, have liners, or what happened to their covers. She also noted that before these barrels were placed on Main St., the city used to have recycling containers in other areas downtown which also proved ineffective, due to their placement and lack of obvious purpose. As opposed to laying blame for this on any individuals, she stated that past and current barrels' ineffectiveness as recycling containers, and their lack of maintenance, was a failure of the system. She is now focusing her efforts on an improved system, which is currently underway, making recycling bins available in most city parks and in downtown. If a failure of the system is not to plague this effort, there is no doubt about it, individuals will have to monitor the program. Someone needs to take notes, be mindful, review the system regularly, and make adjustments when needed.
In a follow up phone call, we alerted Karen to our findings that at this time, no one is emptying the recycling barrels downtown, and we asked her if she knew who was. She didn't. We also sent her an email asking her why Duseau Trucking is no longer in agreement with the City of Northampton to continue emptying the barrels, and have not received a response at this time.
As of yesterday evening, we could find no one in the City who is claiming responsibility for the emptying the recycling barrels on Main St. Not Duseau, not the Pedal People, not the DPW, not the Honor Court, and not the Parking Dep't. In the interim, I could imagine that Parking Dep't employees might pick up that task, as emptying the trash containers is something they used to do after the Honor Court stopped doing it, and before the Pedal People won the contract.
Those questions would be best answered by the local investigative reporter at the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Northamptonist will continue our focus on issues of concern for us. The recycling program for public spaces in Northampton is an effort long overdue. We have no doubt the positive effects it will have for Northampton will be many, and will serve to inspire nearby municipalities to follow suit. We are heartened to see the attention being given to it as of late by the City's Solid Waste Coordinator, and hope that City Gov't will commence to take an active interest in this issue, honoring and being responsible for the program that three years ago, many young, area students effectively gave their time and effort to revitalize. However brief it may have been.